Meet our head of Retail, Natasha

We’re really excited to open our doors again and it’s been so lovely welcoming customers back into our showrooms. We have an amazing team, with extensive product knowledge and a wealth of creativity, who are thrilled to be back helping clients with their projects.

So, we thought this was the perfect time to introduce you to members of the team. First up is Natasha Howson, who heads up retail at Fired Earth. A true creative, she gets her inspiration from travel, meeting people and snooping around gorgeous hotels. We caught up with her to find out more…

Name:Natasha Howson

Storeyou’ll find me in:All of them

Job title:HeadofRetail

How long have you worked with Fired Earth?15 years, I think…I’ve lost count.

What did you do before?I was ashowroommanager for aninteriordesign company

What’s the best thing about your job?The travelling and meeting the teams who work for Fired Earth across the world.

How would you describe your design style?Classic contemporary with a twist.

Whenworking on a client’s home what’s your top piece of advice:Be brave!For example, I recently painted my entire bedroom in Under the Wave. I did all the woodwork, the fireplace, the wardrobe doors and the walls in this sumptuous shade. I was nervous as it’s quite dark and I kept having to reassure my boyfriend it would work out fine, but I was really happy I did something that made me a little nervous as it looks brilliant and I’m thrilled with the result.

Do you have a favourite project you’ve worked on?Probably the one I’m working onrightnow. It’sanoffice for a localcoffee company. They’re being braveand it’s paying off. We’ve usedbare wood cladding used for feature walls and on theprivacyscreens built to zone work spaces.As you can see from the mood board, we’ve come up with some really lovely ideas and an unusual colour combination of peaches, mints and lilac. It works surprisingly well and is a really fun, creative place for them to work.

What are your top three favourite Fired Earth products and why?Graphite paint colour. I’ve used it a lot and its such a lovely,warm,bluegrey.

Sherwood wood-effect porcelain. It’ssmart andsopractical for many different applications.

Also I love thenew Pink Forecasttiles.

Have you used any Fired Earth products at home?Yes, my whole house is painted in Fired Earth colours and I have East Hampton and Architecture tiles in the bathroom.

是什么you like todo when you’re not working?Long weekends in Cornwall and snooping around nice hotels…when we’re allowed.

Some of my favourite hotels with inspiring interiors are in Portugal. First up isAreiasdoSeixo, in Santa Cruz. They’ve used reclaimed materials from the area and their use of polished concrete is the best! We had an amazing indoor-outdoor bath made of solid concrete, open to the elements.

Villa Cascais, also in Portugal is great too. They have an amazing brassstaircaseand everything is painted in a fabulous blue or earthy green. Doors, walls,’s stunning and really inspires you to be brave with colour.

A bit closer to home there’sWatergate Bayin Cornwall. They’ve used a lovely combination of materials and colours which creates a really relaxed, beachy scheme, without it beingclichéd.

Natasha and the team are really looking forward to welcoming you intoour showroomsand helping you with projects large and small.

Find your local showroomand book an apointment to visit us in store.

Published at:29-04-2021